26 May 2010

In the office~

writing this post in the office as I got nothing to do.. My supervisor was on official trip and I am building spider web here...

My 3 weeks of KL life is basically just traffic jam, work, lunch, work, traffic jam, dinner, sleep.. so boring.. I starting to miss my uni life.. Once, someone told me to appreciate my uni life but I told him I might be prefer working life.. NO~~~ I prove myself wrong ady... The life is so dull and boring.. Arghhh.. but compare with OT and tonnes of assessments? I prefer to be free and easy... I dowan any OT!!!!! lolx..

Life in my office is like a gossip world.. The female colleagues sitting in front of me love gossip.. Gossip about anything that they would think of.. Maybe somehow one day.. I will turn into their position.. GOSSIPER.. lolx..

I miss my bed so much.. and i am so looking forward for this coming thursday as I AM GOING BACK HOME!!!! my lovely bed and my aircond!! but actually the room in Kl are not hot at all la.. is just that I want to merajuk for an air-cond. lolx..

boring~ yawn~ counting down 7 minutes and it will be my lunch time.. yipee.. sign off now..